Here the food we ate everywhere in the world.
We forgot to do Africa but now start with India.
street food INDIA |
street food:samosas INDIA |
bread with potatoas and spices INDIA |
Momos NEPAL |
snack with onions rings, cheese, potatoes, etc NEPAL |
dalbat NEPAL |
fried momos NEPAL |
Yak Momos TIBET |
Yak tomate farcies TIBET |
Yak harchie parmentier TIBET |
Noodles soup TIBET |
Yak Momos TIBET |
street food THAILAND |
Noodles soup with dumplings JAPAN |
japonese breakfast JAPAN |
Noodles and fried fishes JAPAN |
fried fishes with fried eggs JAPAN |
fried fishes with fried oignons and soya sauce JAPAN
Tuna tartare TAHITI |
fresh tuna with rice TAHITI |
Terrine de Thon TAHITI
Tahitien beer
chicken with vegetables ARGENTINA |
empanadas, tarditonal food of ARGENTINA |
nice steak ARGENTINA |
meat plate ARGENTINA
Lama steack BOLIVIA |
tacos and fresh guacamole PERU
quinea PERU
Jungle corn PERU |
Guinea pig with sea weeds and unknow stuff! PERU
Tuna fruits, street foods PERU |
National drink PERU |
Tuka tuka PERU
Bojitos MEXICO
Mexican beer |
mix of everything MEXICO |
Famous Mojito CUBA
Traditionel meal CUBA
rice with black beans: traditionel rice CUBA
Fried bananas CUBA
Homard CUBA
Calamares CUBA
National beer CUBA
National coke CUBA
National meal CUBA
Fish and rice CUBA
National Paella COSTA RICA
Fish and sweat potatoes COSTA RICA