So you go to India you have to see the Taj Mahal!!! One of the seven modern wonders of the world.
There is no doubt the Taj is beautiful, it is set in a stunning garden surounded but perfectly laid out gardens and imposing, impressive while still decorative gates. The experience hower is a little different as you are one of 1000's of visitors you jostle for position in front of the fountain to get that one important shot the Taj looking like you are the only one there. As you try to take this picture people push and prod as they to try to get right into the middle to get that perfectly proporioned picture, after all the locals pay about 30p to get in and we have paid almost £10 so I really want that picture. (a feeling it seems every one else has to Then there are the professional photographers (read local guy with nice camera and printer trying to earn a living) asking you to move so they can get a nice picture of acouple staring meaningfully into each others eyes infront of the Taj again pretending they are completly alone.
But once you have done this despitethe people, the group of Japense with the tour leader using a megaphone to address the group, it is really breath taking. By far the most stunning and lavinsh tomb/ dedication built by man bar perhaps the pyramids (one of the 7 ancient wonders of the world) but you cannot compare the two. This is about detail and lavish decoration all made of marble.
The inside is probably quite a beautiful and serence place, I was to destracted by the guards with sticks and helpers with whistles on a power trip. Pushing and jossteling you along shouting don't stop a whistle being blow very loudly deffining your ears as somebody either dares stop or an Asia tourist thinks the no pictures sign does not apply to them. Then there is the town of Agra not the nicest, more of an industrial town than anything.
If we were to go again I would pay the extra money to stay some were with a good view of the Taj so we could see it from the hotel in a calm athmospihire also I think it is especially beautiful by moon light. There is also a nature walk near to the Taj from were you can see it from different angles. Of course you must see the inside if you are there but as said because of all the other people and the Indian way of crowd management, we think the best views and impressive experience is from outside in the gardens or at a distance sit down quitly and take in it calmly in all its glory, it takes a while so you should take your time to absorb the view.

There is no doubt the Taj is beautiful, it is set in a stunning garden surounded but perfectly laid out gardens and imposing, impressive while still decorative gates. The experience hower is a little different as you are one of 1000's of visitors you jostle for position in front of the fountain to get that one important shot the Taj looking like you are the only one there. As you try to take this picture people push and prod as they to try to get right into the middle to get that perfectly proporioned picture, after all the locals pay about 30p to get in and we have paid almost £10 so I really want that picture. (a feeling it seems every one else has to Then there are the professional photographers (read local guy with nice camera and printer trying to earn a living) asking you to move so they can get a nice picture of acouple staring meaningfully into each others eyes infront of the Taj again pretending they are completly alone.
But once you have done this despitethe people, the group of Japense with the tour leader using a megaphone to address the group, it is really breath taking. By far the most stunning and lavinsh tomb/ dedication built by man bar perhaps the pyramids (one of the 7 ancient wonders of the world) but you cannot compare the two. This is about detail and lavish decoration all made of marble.
The inside is probably quite a beautiful and serence place, I was to destracted by the guards with sticks and helpers with whistles on a power trip. Pushing and jossteling you along shouting don't stop a whistle being blow very loudly deffining your ears as somebody either dares stop or an Asia tourist thinks the no pictures sign does not apply to them. Then there is the town of Agra not the nicest, more of an industrial town than anything.
If we were to go again I would pay the extra money to stay some were with a good view of the Taj so we could see it from the hotel in a calm athmospihire also I think it is especially beautiful by moon light. There is also a nature walk near to the Taj from were you can see it from different angles. Of course you must see the inside if you are there but as said because of all the other people and the Indian way of crowd management, we think the best views and impressive experience is from outside in the gardens or at a distance sit down quitly and take in it calmly in all its glory, it takes a while so you should take your time to absorb the view.
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