We arrived in Chili after 10h of flights and 6h jet lag from Tahiti.
We took strait away an overnight bus Santiago de Chile to Mendoza Argentina where Sophie's Uncle "Claude" was waiting for us at 5 in the morning as our bus pulled into Mendoza.
After some short houres of sleeping we arrived at the border at 2am. The border of Chile and Argentina is at 2000m of altitude so we were freezing cold with our clothes from Tahiti!
We spent an houre to wait outside with a total chaos ( some guys was taking off the bags from the bus for checking, some was queuing and interviewing for a long time at the douane) we didn't know when this nightmare will be ending! Finally some policeman ask us to put all our hand luggage on a rail, they look 30seconds and say during handeling a small cup "TIPS"blabal( some spanish words) We gave some money and were immediatly allowed back on the warm bus. Ok we were fine, another guy on the bus didn't wanted to give tips and with surprise all his luggages has been checked with the douane for an hour while they busted his balls.
Finally at 6am we arrived in Mendoza and Claude was happy to see us!
We drove 2h30 and arrived FINALY after more than 24h of travelling at home!
We had a nice meal and we went to sleep like babies for the whole day!
All the others following day we were just sleeping, relaxing, and eating like kings. We were so exausted after long jet lag, long houres travelling and for the first time it was the feeling to be at home and so our body relaxed after all the travels.
Claude's house is amazing! It's so big that the first time we visited it we got lost!
And it's like being at home: huge hot shower, warm big bed with flanel sheets ( We never slept so good!) and all the best food we missed: huge entrecote, steak tartare, etc... i can't say everything because everyday we ate like chrismas's lunch!
And all the fabulous Argentine's wine! and the wonderfull Empaladas de Sandra ( the tradion of Argentina)
We spent lot of time to chill out at the house but also we went have a look to the country side of Argentina.
Everything is dry and coloufull: here it's the beggining of autum and everywhere we can only see orange, yellow colours. But the weather is really cool, we can easely be in tshirt outside, it't not like in Europe really cold Autum
We also went to a ski resort, but it's not the season yet ,there is only a little bit of snow, but enough for Digby become mad! He was running in the snow everywhere like a dog! he also made 2 snowmans,1 near a bus full of tourists who had never seen snow before in their life,they all took a picture of themself with the snowman! Digby was ennoyed to didn't request " 2 pesos la foto!"ahah
Argentina is really beautiful, valleys that bring to mind the grand canyon, cowboys (they don't have the hats) wild horses truly a wild landscape.
We were so glad to have those days to stop a little bit the adventure of running everywhere each day, to be in a confortable house and to eat so good everyday.
We also had lots of time to plan our trip in South America and to book everything.
We can't thank enough Claude and Sandra for the wonderfull hospitality and everything they did for us.
We are now ready again for the adventure and will enjoy our last 4 months as much as possible!

We arrived in Chili after 10h of flights and 6h jet lag from Tahiti.
We took strait away an overnight bus Santiago de Chile to Mendoza Argentina where Sophie's Uncle "Claude" was waiting for us at 5 in the morning as our bus pulled into Mendoza.
After some short houres of sleeping we arrived at the border at 2am. The border of Chile and Argentina is at 2000m of altitude so we were freezing cold with our clothes from Tahiti!
We spent an houre to wait outside with a total chaos ( some guys was taking off the bags from the bus for checking, some was queuing and interviewing for a long time at the douane) we didn't know when this nightmare will be ending! Finally some policeman ask us to put all our hand luggage on a rail, they look 30seconds and say during handeling a small cup "TIPS"blabal( some spanish words) We gave some money and were immediatly allowed back on the warm bus. Ok we were fine, another guy on the bus didn't wanted to give tips and with surprise all his luggages has been checked with the douane for an hour while they busted his balls.
Finally at 6am we arrived in Mendoza and Claude was happy to see us!
We drove 2h30 and arrived FINALY after more than 24h of travelling at home!
We had a nice meal and we went to sleep like babies for the whole day!
All the others following day we were just sleeping, relaxing, and eating like kings. We were so exausted after long jet lag, long houres travelling and for the first time it was the feeling to be at home and so our body relaxed after all the travels.
Claude's house is amazing! It's so big that the first time we visited it we got lost!
And it's like being at home: huge hot shower, warm big bed with flanel sheets ( We never slept so good!) and all the best food we missed: huge entrecote, steak tartare, etc... i can't say everything because everyday we ate like chrismas's lunch!
And all the fabulous Argentine's wine! and the wonderfull Empaladas de Sandra ( the tradion of Argentina)
We spent lot of time to chill out at the house but also we went have a look to the country side of Argentina.
Everything is dry and coloufull: here it's the beggining of autum and everywhere we can only see orange, yellow colours. But the weather is really cool, we can easely be in tshirt outside, it't not like in Europe really cold Autum
We also went to a ski resort, but it's not the season yet ,there is only a little bit of snow, but enough for Digby become mad! He was running in the snow everywhere like a dog! he also made 2 snowmans,1 near a bus full of tourists who had never seen snow before in their life,they all took a picture of themself with the snowman! Digby was ennoyed to didn't request " 2 pesos la foto!"ahah
Argentina is really beautiful, valleys that bring to mind the grand canyon, cowboys (they don't have the hats) wild horses truly a wild landscape.
We were so glad to have those days to stop a little bit the adventure of running everywhere each day, to be in a confortable house and to eat so good everyday.
We also had lots of time to plan our trip in South America and to book everything.
We can't thank enough Claude and Sandra for the wonderfull hospitality and everything they did for us.
We are now ready again for the adventure and will enjoy our last 4 months as much as possible!

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