Cuzco Peru! Yet another high altitude destination. We arive at 4am of the night bus and get ripped off by the taxi who charges us way over the odds. But not to worry the old lady who runs our hostel opens the doors and gives us a warm welcome. (not at all put out by the fact we have woken her at 4am) she shows us to the rooms comes back with towels and then again with feather duvets. Explaining its cold and we must sleep well as w look tierd. She fusses over us a few more minuets and we go to bed. (just to note most hostals would make you wait until 11am or 2pm for the normal check in time as we had only booked for the night to come).
The next morning is no different as we are fussed over and she ask´s perfusely if we have slept well. (with the exeption of Claude´s house, we havnet seen a feather duvet for well since we left London)
Cuzco is a colonal city built on Inca foundations. Every were you look you can see the impressive granite masionary of the Inca´s which the Spanish simply built on top of. These foundations are so good that even 650 years on they are still solid as a rock.
The narrow streets and low average income mean the VW beatle rains supreme every 3rd car seems to be one. There are many busteling squares and colonial churches. Huge marekts were you can have any kind of fruit juice combination to get your vitamin kick. As well as every kind of meat you can imagine, donkey, frog, guinea pig (we think it looks like rat) We eat in the market but decide white meat (chicken) to be the safest option. Of course every were as usual they are selling jelly (we still dont know why they like jelly so much).
The next day we go around the shops and markwet dressing in local clothing for fun and buy some great souveniers. Digby finally got his poncho and Sofi a cowgirl hat. Its national Saints day, there are loads of processions, colourfull dances and street food for 25p you get a vegetable bake and a bag of steames potatoes or maize. We head into a local restaurant and order the natonal dish. Guinea pig (can you see its little paw?) with sea weed, jungle caviar, chicken and a lot of other thing wqe cant identify. We taste every thing but dont manage to finish the plate the sea weed and caviar are the hardest to swallow. Guinea pig is a bit tough (you need to chew the skin quite a bit) but flavour some but its not something we will be trying again soon.
We end the day watching more parades, tomorrow of on the jungle Inca trail 4 days hike to Machu Pichu!

The next morning is no different as we are fussed over and she ask´s perfusely if we have slept well. (with the exeption of Claude´s house, we havnet seen a feather duvet for well since we left London)
Cuzco is a colonal city built on Inca foundations. Every were you look you can see the impressive granite masionary of the Inca´s which the Spanish simply built on top of. These foundations are so good that even 650 years on they are still solid as a rock.
The narrow streets and low average income mean the VW beatle rains supreme every 3rd car seems to be one. There are many busteling squares and colonial churches. Huge marekts were you can have any kind of fruit juice combination to get your vitamin kick. As well as every kind of meat you can imagine, donkey, frog, guinea pig (we think it looks like rat) We eat in the market but decide white meat (chicken) to be the safest option. Of course every were as usual they are selling jelly (we still dont know why they like jelly so much).
The next day we go around the shops and markwet dressing in local clothing for fun and buy some great souveniers. Digby finally got his poncho and Sofi a cowgirl hat. Its national Saints day, there are loads of processions, colourfull dances and street food for 25p you get a vegetable bake and a bag of steames potatoes or maize. We head into a local restaurant and order the natonal dish. Guinea pig (can you see its little paw?) with sea weed, jungle caviar, chicken and a lot of other thing wqe cant identify. We taste every thing but dont manage to finish the plate the sea weed and caviar are the hardest to swallow. Guinea pig is a bit tough (you need to chew the skin quite a bit) but flavour some but its not something we will be trying again soon.
We end the day watching more parades, tomorrow of on the jungle Inca trail 4 days hike to Machu Pichu!

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